Sunday 2 December 2012

The Giant's Cave

Clifton Suspension Bridge
Fantastic weekend catching up with my friend Dan in Bristol. We've known each other since we were about sixteen, both BRIT school brats, but haven't really seen each other properly in years. I headed off to Africa, and Dan's spent the past four years teaching English in Taiwan. Met up briefly on his return, but this time we got to do the proper how-do-you-do.

Turns out he's moved from London to Bristol, which is only 45 minutes away. We drank copious quantities of wine, ate an extremely greasy yet satisfying Chinese, then headed out to Wonky, where we danced until 2am. If nothing else, it was nice to know I'm still capable!

Brilliant night, followed by a lazy day getting lost around town and eating at a fancy French restaurant. Highlight being The Giant's Cave, also known as Ghyston's Cave, beneath Clifton Suspension Bridge and the Observatory. Joke of it being, it's so narrow you have to bend down to climb the steps. No way you could get a giant down there!

Don't ask.

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